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Census population
Culture and sport
Data for children
Enterprise Investment
External trade
Geographical data
Health and welfare
Household Budget Survey
ICT in Households and Enterprise
Income and Living Conditions
Labour market
Administrative Statistics of the Labor Market
Labour Force Survey
Quarterly indicators
Yearly indicators
Population by sex and age group, 2012 - 2023
Zaposlena lica i odnos zaposlenosti prema stanovnitvu - stopa zaposlenosti, po polu i starosnoj grupi, 2012 - 2023
Employment and employment-to-population ratio; employment rate, by education attainment and sex age group 15-64, 2012 - 2023
Highest educational level by type of employer for employees, age group 15-64 in percentage (%), 2012 - 2023
Status in employment by sex, age group 15-64, 2012 - 2023
Vulnerable employment by sex, age group 15-64, 2012 - 2023
Vulnerable employment by occupation and sex, age group 15-64 in percentage (%), 2012 - 2023
Vulnerable employment by education attainment and sex, age group 15-64 in percentage (%), 2012 - 2023
Employment by activity and sex in thousand ('000), age 15 and over, 2012 - 2023
Main labor market indicators (%), 2012 - 2023
Key labor market indicators (IN THOUSANDS), 2012 - 2023
Activity employment shares by sex in percentage (%), age 15 and over, 2012 - 2023
Employment by occupation and sex, age 15 and over, 2012 - 2023
Reasons for working part-time by sex in percentage (%), age group 15-64, 2012 - 2023
Employment by hours of work per week and sex, age 15-64, 2012 - 2023
Average number of hours worked per week by type of employer and sex, 2012 - 2023
Employment work patterns by sex in percentage (%), age group 15-64, tab a, 2012 - 2023
Employment work patterns by sex in percentage (%), age group 15-64, tab b, 2012 - 2023
Net monthly wages by scale for employees by sex, group age 15-64 in percentage (%), 2012 - 2023
Unemployment and unemployment rate by sex, age group 15 - 64, 2012 - 2023
Unemployment and unemployment rate, by sex and age group, 2012 - 2023
Unemployed and unemployment rate by educational attainment by sex, age group 15 - 64, 2012 - 2023
Share of youth in total unemployment and share of youth unemployed in youth population, by sex and age group 15 - 64, 2012 - 2023
Ratio of youth-to-adult unemployment rate, by sex, 2012 - 2023
Duration of unemployment for more than a year of total unemployed by sex and age group (%), 2012 - 2023
Labour force and labour force participation rate, by sex and age group, 2012 - 2023
Economically inactive population and economically inactive population as share of the working-age population by sex, age group 15 - 64, 2012 - 2023
Youth not in education, employment or training (NEET) by sex, age 15-24, 2012 - 2023
Demographic dependency ratios in percentage (%), 2012 - 2023
Economic dependency ratios in percentage (%), 2012 - 2023
Annual accuracy of LFS-based estimates at country level in percentage (%), age group 15-64, 2012 - 2023
Wage Level
National and government accounts
Short-term statistics
Statistical business register
Structural business statistics
Tourism and hotels